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Luxury 45ft Gym

This fully kitted Gym offers stars and staff the chance to keep fit while away on location for long lengths of time.

Just some of the equipment include weight pulleys, weight machines, climbing machine, punch bags, treadmill, exercise bike, exercise mats, thrust machine and exercise timer.

If you require more information, give us a call on 01932 828 888 or email us.


Luxury 45ft Gym



14.08m/46ft 2in
4.11m/13ft 5in
2.59/8ft 6in

Gallery PDF    

See Also

Ultimate Expanding 50ft Gym


Gallery PDF 01932 828 888  

Luxury 45ft Gym

Luxury 45ft Gym

This fully kitted Gym offers stars and staff the chance to keep fit while away on location for long lengths of time.

Just some of the equipment include weight pulleys, weight machines, climbing machine, punch bags, treadmill, exercise bike, exercise mats, thrust machine and exercise timer.

If you require more information, give us a call on 01932 828 888 or email us.



14.08m/46ft 2in
4.11m/13ft 5in
2.59/8ft 6in

Gallery PDF    

See Also

Ultimate Expanding 50ft Gym

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